Maria Garcia Teutsch is an award-winning poet and professor. Her newest collection, The Swallows of America will be published by Dancing Girl Press in the Fall of 2021. The Revolution Will Have its Sky, won the Minerva Rising chapbook competition, judged by the wondrous Heather McHugh. Maria is a poet, editor, educator and performance artist. She has published over 25 book/journals of poetry as editor-in-chief of the Homestead Review, published by Hartnell College in Salinas, and Ping-Pong journal of art and literature, published by the Henry Miller Library in Big Sur, California. She teaches poetry and creative writing at Hartnell College as a member of their faculty. She is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Ping-Pong Free Press, and publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Poet Republik Ltd.
“In the real world
there are poems and
you can rest in
them for moments
of no known dur-
ation. Thank you,
Maria Garcia Teutsch,
for writing these
crystal-pure poems
about difficult subjects.”
-Alice Notley
“Love, sex, politics, and death are rendered vividly in The Revolution Will have its Sky, the poet’s lines miming in each poem some essence of personality. We recognize these people of intrigue from history and in our own mirrors. A stunning collection.” —Carol Frost, author of numerous collections of poetry, including Entwined: Three Lyric Sequences from Tupelo Press
Ilya Kaminsky on Maria’s Poetics: “Maria Garcia Teutsch is a poet who looks for lyricism and sensual flavor in our daily moments, and makes poems that ride on the human nerve, like Frank O’Hara told us the poet must.”
Monterey County Champion of the Arts nominee 2015, Monterey Arts Council
Gleason Teaching Award for Excellence, Hartnell College
Presidents award for teaching innovation, Hartnell College
Minerva Rising Poetry Award Winner, The Revolution will Have its Sky, judge: Heather McHugh
Professor: Hartnell College
Henry Miller Memorial Library Emeritus: 2003-2018, Secretary of the Board 2004-2010; President/Chair of the Board: 2010-2017.