Feb 17 2014

Poet Republik-Lina ramona Vitkauskas

Welcome to the world of Lina ramona Vitkauskas’ poetic brain. Featured here is the winning poem for the inaugural poetry competition of Ping-Pong, journal of literature and arts published by the Henry Miller Memorial Library. The challenge here is to write an imitation of this beautiful piece. And thank-you Lina for playing along!

We Can Be Heroes
You are the rodent,

an open window.

A man is but a product of his thoughts.

Be regulated                but not homogenized.

You know the tightrope trick.

Everyone plays it like Slinky or derivatives.

Stretched out—but you cannot see


The lindens hear conversations.

You won’t kneel before all of us,

won’t pay attention,

won’t mouth the


and what do you do with the poetry?


You know the drill:

we see Philadelphia,

eek our tools out—all primitive and culturally

significant; here—you can fall down

the slope

aching from porking

it’s a delicious stew,

what we claim to be



I say

we nuzzle down

into Mother dirt

and plan our breaking.

My philosophy is poking you.

If you desire ease, forsake learning,

and if you desire cheese,

welcome to this planet.


Wonder if we could be

all of us,

we could speak our own


You throw the javelin

and women,

you spear the


                                  Speak to me in mollusk,

we know the new


we know new Freuds,

we know you have paid

for your tickets to see the giant

teletype, grifters among

the space junk and

invisible planes.

Lina ramona Vitkauskas is the author of SPINY RETINAS (Mutable Sound, 2014); Professional Poetry (White Hole Press, 2013);  A Neon Tryst (Shearsman Books, 2013); HONEY IS A SHE (Plastique Press, 2012); THE RANGE OF YOUR AMAZING NOTHING (Ravenna Press, 2010); Failed Star Spawns Planet/ Star (dancing girl press, 2006); and Shooting Dead Films with Poets (Fractal Edge Press, 2004).



28 Responses to Poet Republik-Lina ramona Vitkauskas
  1. Loucine Hayes says:

    Amy Davis asked me to send you Armenian poems

  2. Made From Stars

    A clear night sky,
    Covered by city lights.
    Hidden in the neurons of a past man’s mind.
    Oak trees soar but without limit.
    Listening to the pack howl.
    A game of Life the salmon plays.

    Cracks: lines against the soil.
    Eagle brother, predator, or friend.
    Speaking tongues.
    Distances too far for a glassed eye to see,
    Unfamiliar embracing bodies,
    True colors of a clam’s secret.

    Listen to her beauty,
    Palm to her warmth,
    Inhale her nectar,
    Become aware of her majesty,
    Then crush her to dust.

    Smoking steel,
    Enslave her people,
    Carve out your image
    Across her sands.
    Drink till she is shriveled

    Last breath of desperation.
    Bring forth war,
    Fill the cannons with power.
    Blast us back,
    Send my spirit home.
    Take me there.

    Turn me into dust from which I came.
    Will you do as you wish?
    Hancock the line.
    Point blame and push us aside.

    Bear cubs sleep amongst trees tonight
    Watching heaven’s bodies.
    Outside the city lights.

  3. The invocation of nature here is beautifully executed, imitating cycles and interconnectedness of all life (on earth and the universe). We go from tress and deep sky stars to neurons in past man’s brain to the salmon’s knowledge of the trials of life (swimming upstream) to eagles, clams, and bear cubs. All very organic and alive!

  4. They whisper

    the path through the wilderness

    The Child in my heart can hear them.

    I walk with timidity

    amongst the Ogres and Trolls

    I am disguised by Their magic.

    They hear the Warning

    in the Aspen forest.

    I obey them


    my deliverance

    Will I awaken from this?

    Reality confounds me

    It is a bur in the darkness

    Thunder announces

    the Giant’s approach

    I look to a Starless Sky.

    Do we follow Friend or Foe?

    The Trees mask

    their utterances.

    My mind whirls

    in flashes of red and black.

    I fall into obscurity.

  5. This piece has a great mystical feel. Enchanted forest imagery, magical creatures!

  6. We are set free
    To roam a land filled with explosives
    Walk with self pride
    But do not eat the food

    Teach our children
    But stay deaf
    Open your eyes
    To see only what I tell you

    Drink from abundance
    But be willing to pay
    Knowledge is free
    For a cost

    You are set free
    To become my slave
    And I will always love you
    Until I am done.

    • You convey an ominous feel/tone very well here. I sense inspiration from an apocalyptic place! Juxtaposed: roam a land (only to find them full of explosives); free (only to become a slave). Good stuff here.

  7. V. Amezquita says:

    As we lift the dirt

    It is as if we lift the skirt of


    She feels disrespected almost molested

    Without an ounce of guilt

    We look upon her to survive

    Yet I do not dive in her pain

    To gain a sense of her strain

    We do not respect our air

    I do not respect or care

    We do not respect our dirt

    I do not respect or care

    She cries and yearns and dies in fever

    But we just leave her

    • The personification of Earth mother here works well–she is naked, molested, disrespected and the reader empathizes. Great image of lifting dirt like a skirt.

  8. Wow, thank you Lina!

  9. M. Martinez says:

    The flashing lights,
    burning brighter than the sun
    I feel like no other,

    the winds constantly change direction
    Whispers I do not recognize,
    Voices I can’t recall,
    Faces white as snow,
    souls pure at heart.
    2am. the sun hasn’t risen yet,
    the weight of the world,
    embrace the future.
    Tell him he is all mine,
    I’d wait my turn forever,
    Blurry lights I see,
    Gliding home in a dream,
    I fly way up high,
    you can’t see me in the sky but,
    I’m coming home.

  10. A.Valles says:

    Do I confuse you? My revelation does not
    blend well it is lost.The neon pink message
    Impoverished brains cannot
    Wrap around: This holy shrine made of pearls and more pink stuff,
    no wisdom to be found. All perception
    skewed to the tune of chattering mice; here
    is your hiding place
    and the all-knowing.

    Flinching back, trying to see
    You twist and twist,
    twirling ——— trying to
    catch a fleeting glimpse.
    Maybe if I S-T-R-E-T-C-H you out…..
    No, you’ll hurt me once you’re shown.
    A series of coupled limbs—— useless to anyone
    try to catch them as they fly by
    under invisible.

  11. M Maitoza says:

    A nation within a Skinner box
    Familiar with the attire
    We must bare our skin before a uniform
    is molded to our unoriginal curve

    Neighbors speaking like neighbors
    Friends dressing like friends
    Imitation of the expected
    Our reflection disappears
    We want it back

    The Higher Power is within the wind
    hidden, quiet, ruffling leaves
    Revolt is howling like wolves
    Diminishing in the distance
    What will we do?

    The wind becomes deafening
    Branches angry at window panes
    We breathe upon foggy glass
    and write our message
    with bare hands

    Weary from exhaustion
    Anticipation of terror creeping in the dark
    But the truth that lies within the fog
    is worth sleeping endless nights

    Demand for change
    They say better peace comes with closed mouths
    and structured minds
    Rats are only rewarded
    when they continue to obey

    Sickened by the same four walls
    unite together we must
    Revert back to the calm before the storm
    Create a world within our own

    Electricity turns black
    Rodents in a Skinner Box
    Refusal to eat their snacks

  12. C Krohn says:

    It is human

    to — find — patterns

    in points

    the swordsman in the sky

    whose belt is l o n g e r

    than a million earths

    and the leaves at the

    bottom of your tea cup

    forming a seagull

    while we study these ambiguities

    we still know


    orion may guide us to

    castor — pollux

    and the seagull

    symbolizes an approaching



    months —————

    lost at sea

  13. A. Guerrero says:


    We forget ourselves
    Desert our faith,
    We take a breath
    And come out with nothing
    No matter what we do
    We become a copy
    An unseen leash by man
    Until the invisible link is broken
    A luxury for others, but not for all
    They try to help but no one listens
    All there work comes out to nothing
    In the end their reward is a black hole.

  14. Danielle Garcia says:

    There isn’t anything I can say to you that I haven’t said before
    You push and I pull, there will never be a balance
    The anger, fear, loathing and hurt
    I’m at my end and you just laugh
    You must like this, watching me lose myself
    I used to be different, and then everything changed
    You stepped onto, not into, my life
    And no matter what I do, I just don’t stand like I used to
    You have seen me compromise my morals and come crashing down
    I used to know my purpose, or at least have an idea
    But now I’m running in every direction except towards myself
    I don’t blame you, but then at the same time I can’t help it
    My personal devil, and well, the devil’s habits rub off
    There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t felt regret since meeting you
    But I wouldn’t change one thing
    Slipping and sliding,
    and birthing…
    A potential devil,
    potential does not apply here anymore,
    I am the devil.

  15. Horacio G says:

    Death is the greatest fear of all man
    for he could be lurking anywhere
    You may seem him in every shadow
    and you may seem him in every person you see on the street
    To fear Death is to be Human
    but to be Human is to Live
    Life is too short to fear Death constantly
    Those shadows you see is merely the absence of light
    the light you wield to confront it
    Those strangers you fear will always be strangers
    unless you build the courage to befriend them
    for they too may also fear and see Death in you
    Death will come to us all soon in the Future
    but we are alive now in the present
    be adventurous
    meet new people
    Live your life fearless of Death

  16. E. Maravilla says:

    The burn of the ice
    in my heart full of coal
    It is heavy,
    It is my safe haven
    No need for explanation
    It’s comforting, it’s warm,
    it’s mine not yours.
    Dream about holding it,
    Expect to get burned,
    for it is ice cold
    and my heart will
    scorch you.
    It will hyperventilate you
    until the vapors of the ice
    begin to invade your lungs
    until you can no longer inhale
    and you will exhale your last cold breath

  17. K Edgington says:

    We are road kill

    A tires Picasso

    Love is nothing but gathered particles

    Be whole But not misanthropic

    Like commensalism or social media

    Living off–but never giving


    The grape vine moves

    Never spill your heart out,

    It’ll use you,

    Tell you lies

    And for less than a penny!

    Pull up you sleeves:

    The sweat of Palm trees

    Weighs less-nonchalant and narcissistic

    Caring nothing; go–down to the beach

    The sands

    Burning from gossip

    Their foaming mouths

    Crashing up against

    Your shore.

    Wait here

    Fill your bucket

    With crab legs

    And break their shells.

    Anger swims into you

    You cannot here, or let it go.

    Enjoy this torture,

    Marvel in its simplicity.

    All ears

    Will listen to your


    Shake your head

    Your hair,

    Is needle thin


    Scuttle around legless,

    You know the row

    Gossip hoar.

    You know the slurry

    You know how to left hook

    And hit it in the lip

    Swelling, to stop the speak

    What the cuss, blood

    Broken nails.

  18. A.B.Z. says:

    I didn’t understand the assignment but here it is

    Reaching success cannot

    Be reached without becoming a mess.

    Get up they say as they

    push you down

    into the ground.

    We are all haunted

    by something we cannot define.

    For we are racing and pacing against this unstoppable force.

    We’re driving and striving

    with equal amounts of force.

    They know how to swing theropes

    as we’re barely going over the slopes.

    We have heart and its something they can’t

    take and keep away.

    It’s something we have

    to keep fighting and biting for.

    No one is going to tell us

    to keep going but our own will

    to go on.

    If we’re willing to talk it

    then we have to walk it.

  19. S Mendoza says:

    Heart of the Sea

    The heat of the sun,
    Not too hot; yet not too cold
    Tiny grains of sand burying my feet
    Planting my roots to the shore
    Last summer was one thing I refused to recollect;
    The last summer you were here
    Flashes from the past attack my mind
    Tales of people who lived in the sea without holding their breath were always the most prominent
    People who didn’t have legs but tails like dolphins
    Able to swim the vast ocean carelessly
    Harmonious tunes of the sea that can be heard from the shore
    They sang along with the whales
    A celebration of the sea’s beauty and life
    These people were created by Poseidon and protected by King Neptune
    They came to dance near the shore
    To prove life in the sea could be better than land;
    To prove living in the sea was not a life style but being one with it
    And as I watch them dance and sing
    I swear I caught a glimpse of you there with them, fins and all
    Telling me you’re now free

  20. T.Wilkes says:

    You make me complete,
    just a tiny prick.
    My veins disappear when I need them most.
    My addiction and they don’t understand.

    Black gooey salvation

    My arms show the traces of your unworldly relief.

    Nod out—let it take over


    My body is only a vessel

    I have no respect for myself,
    I do what’s needed,

    just to feel

    I can’t live without my dark medicine!

    I know the risks

    I have seen an overdose,

    it’s a game of chance—my rescue is also what kills me

    repulsive: life—but we all die


    bleeding for pleasure

    I go by many names,

    forget who I was


    I cry

    because I don’t

    want to continue

    to depend on you.

  21. Lily says:

    Excellent blog post. I absolutely appreciate this site.
    Continue the good work!

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